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World's Largest Kites (yes, there are several!)

 Over the years there have been several records set in the category of "World's Larget Kite".  Likely each new record size established will continue to become a target for skilled builders of these kite behemoths to try to better.

The most recent announced entry into the quest for the title is the upcoming effort by the Japan Kite Association to attempt to fly one of the world's largest kites in the sky above Tokyo in January 2006.

The Japanese kite, measuring 25 by 40 meters for a total surface area of 1,000 square meters, is the same size as kites flown in Kuwait in March and in the United States in September. These latter two kites, built as "pillow kites" in the shape of the flags of the respective nations are currently tied for the title of world's largest kite.


The upcoming Japanese kite will be of the same "pillow" type, or as the Japanese call it, a "futon-dako" for its structural resemblance to Japanese bedding.

The Daily Yomiuri reports that "the kite-flying event will take place on Jan. 8 and 9 from 1:30 p.m. at the Harumi Pier in Chuo Ward. To fly the behemoth, a rope attached to the kite will be fixed to a truck. About 80 members of the association will take part in the event under (Masaaki) Modegi's command." (See complete article - Dec. 24, 2005Modegi is the head of the Japan Kite Association.

PeterLynn.gifThe record holding pillow kites kites are designed by Peter Lynn of New Zealand, the world's foremost designer of gigantic kites.  Peter is also world renowned for his innovative work with kite traction (buggies, kite sailing, the new 'Kite-Cat', and kite skiing).

Prior to the development and flight of the massive pillow kite flags of Kuwait and the United States of America, Peter's famous Megabite Kite held the world's record for size from 1995 through January of 2005.  Megabite had 630 sq.m. of lifting surface area.  So, the new pillow flag kites are larger by 350 sq.m or approximately 30% larger.

Having seen Megabite in person at both the Verdun Kite Festival in Montreal, Quebec and at St. Johns, Newfoundland and Labrador, I was awed by the size and complexity of launching and safely flying such beasts.

Megabite.gif [Megabite filled with air and about to be launched in 1995.]

Hopefully some pictures of the newest kite in the world's largest category will surface early in January 2006. 


Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at 08:39PM by Registered CommenterHifliercanada in , | CommentsPost a Comment | References2 References

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