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Canadian Kiter Makes Kiting News!

Some of our great Canadian kiters are making kite news and this is good for Canadian kiting!

Bill Wilson of the Halifax Kitefliers recently made the pages of the on-line E-zine MAKE for his kite aerial photography and for his terrific Steady Winds kite blog

bill_wilson.gifMAKE e-zine features how-to articles about nifty projects and encourages readers to try new things in creative ways.  Some months ago MAKE published an article on how to build a KAP (Kite Aerial Photography) rig that attracted a lot of attention.  Now, in a follow-up article, they are featuring the KAP work of Bill Wilson and his weblog.  What a great tribute to Bill who is a very accomplished kite maker.

Bill always shares information and ideas as well as offering encouragement and support.  He is a superb guy and one that I am glad I met through kiting.

Terrific work and good news for the Canadian kite scene!



Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 at 07:14AM by Registered CommenterHifliercanada in , | CommentsPost a Comment

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